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Dear Gen-Z, This Is Not A Fleshlight

Resident Bator JaredGuys, we need to have a very serious talk. Take a seat and let me preach.

A few weeks ago I was at the pub with a good friend and his 22 year old son and the topic of what I do for a living came up. Obviously it's not something I'm at all embarrassed about or ashamed of, so the conversation was easy.

At one point in this discussion my friend attempted to correct his son when he referred to a toy one of his friends had as a "Fleshlight". It was a funny story about this guy's mother discovering it under his bed, and the ensuing embarrassment this caused.

My friend made clear that his son actually meant a pocket pussy. I don't know how he knew what toy was featured in this anecdote, but apparently they'd discussed it.

This is something I have seen a lot of online over recent years. There are numerous videos and photos out there of guys using what we in the industry would call a pocket pussy, a stroker, or just a masturbator, and they refer to it as a "Fleshlight".

It's not a Fleshlight, they're not even close!

the difference between a fleshlight and another masturbator

I guess this is just what happened with Xerox in the 1980s. People began to use the brand name for the generalized term. All photocopiers became Xerox machines, regardless of who manufactured them. The act of photocopying something changed, too - "Xerox ten of these for me"

While I can kind of understand how this happened, it pisses me off. I think it probably pissed off every other manufacturer of copying machines throughout the 80s, 90s and 00s, too.

It becomes a minefield of misunderstanding when you're trying to market and promote various masturbators, but a large faction of the online audience are all using the generic Fleshlight term for every men's masturbation toy.

This doesn't even help the Fleshlight company itself. It's polluted their branding to such an extent that millions of young men have no idea what a Fleshlight actually is.

It's become so synonymous with every type of stroker that the brand has to be suffering because of it.

So, I suggest a plan of attack.

Whenever you see some wanker (non-derogatory) online referring to their toy as a Fleshlight when it very clearly isn't, please take a moment of your day to correct them. I vow to lead this effort. I might even have t-shirts made.

Yes, we might be accused of being the "Bator Police" or something equally as insulting, but it's important work.

See something say something, right? lol

There's enough misinformation online as it is, the least we can do is educate guys about the toys they're sticking their wang into.

Be a part of the solution rather than a part of the problem.

Okay, rant over. You can continue with your day.

If you want to see what an actual Fleshlight is, click here for the range.

Posted in: Wank Shed

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